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Therapeutic coaching
Num #1 online

Discover my new online therapy. A self-therapy that will allow you to become a better version of yourself.

Discover my New Therapy Online

Therapeutic coaching Num #1 online

Life Coach & Therapist

I am a life coach and therapist. All of my experience and research has led to the development of the perfect method to free my clients permanently from stress, tension, unhappiness, weight, or addiction.
Coaching and hypnotherapy offer the individual infinite possibilities, such as the prospect of eternity and explosive creativity.

With my support and my therapeutic method, I can help you overcome:
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Sorrow
  • Grief
  • Stress management and
  • lifestyle
  • Trauma
  • Abuse
  • post-traumatic stress
  • disorder
  • couple problem
  • parenting problem
  • Transitional phase of life

Book your coaching or therapy session

Business coaching

A business coaching session during which the team learns to collaborate around a very specific theme of the company.

Rapid Transformational Therapy

RTT is a perfect mix between hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP and cognitive psychology, established at the same time.

Therapeutic Coaching

My therapeutic process will guide you to understand how easy it is to learn to be happy, to be one with yourself.

Round Table

Around a table, we discussed a very specific subject, with people from our community, friends, family or even work colleagues,


This service offers you 7 days of guidance that will help you move forward on a well-defined subject that is close to your heart.

Book your coaching or therapy session

My experiences in coaching and therapy

  • Bahamas Prison: Co-facilitator
  • Personal and Group Development
    Lotos Trading SARL: Management of Strategic Conflicts between Partners
  • Common Welth Brewery: How to Get Back to Normal Life After a Natural Disaster
  • Individual Patient: How to Overcome an Unchosen Rupture
  • Individual Patient: Heal Unexplained Chronic Fear in One Session
  • Individual Patient: Healing Inhibitory Anxiety in One Session
  • ECS Training: Stress and Anxiety Management
  • Couple: Couple therapy – Rekindling the flame of life together

Some reviews from my patients

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